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What is Spiritual Direction? 

Spiritual Direction seeks to weave together the threads of what is stirring in the soul and the threads of our every day lives. A Spiritual Director's main focus is to offer companionship of the soul, a listening ear and a place to discern what is moving in the spiritual life of the Directee in the hope that we might move towards a more whole and embodied self. The hour that takes place between the Spiritual Director and Directee is completely confidential and safe. All of life is spiritual, and all of life can be shared within that space. It is best described as a sacred space where we honor, discern, listen and express the inward life as it makes itself known outwardly. 

Sarah graduated from Charlotte Spirituality Center ‘s Spiritual Direction program in 2017, and is currently practicing in the areas of Charlotte NC, Boone NC and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Zoom, Facetime and Phone sessions are also possible. 

To schedule a session, contact sarahdeshields@gmail.com 

Spiritual Direction is essentially companioning someone in his or her spiritual life. Other ways of describing Spiritual Direction include holy listening, spiritual friendship, sacred journeying
— Janna Larson
We are to be fully present to the sorrow and despair of another without rushing to console in order to circumvent our own discomfort. Providing the opportunity for others to experience the full spectrum of what is stirring within them is a rare gift beyond measure.
— Christine Paintner